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Louisiana Native Bee Lab

In Review
R5. Sweet J, S Casas, J La Peyre, MA Genung, BA Stauffer. Effects of the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa on eastern oyster feeding. In review, Ecosphere, December 2024.
R4. Buderi A*, M Page, CC Nicholson, NM Williams, MA Genung. Big or hairy: Pollinator and plant traits interact to generate broad patterns of trait matching. In revision for Ecology and Evolution, June 2024.
R3. Kooyers NJ, MA Genung, SG Innes, AK Turcu, DM Hinrichs, B LeBlanc, CM Patterson. Heatwaves decrease fitness and alter maternal provisioning in natural populations of Mimulus guttatus. In review, American Journal of Botany, September 2024.
R2. Novak Pilch B*, MA Genung. Temperature, humidity, and predator density interactively affect pollinator visitation and behavior. In revision for Ecosphere, September 2024.
R1. McClain CR and 11 others including MA Genung. Abundance, niche diversity, and differential species effects impact ecosystem function on the bottom of the ocean. Resubmitted to The American Naturalist, October 2024.
Accepted / Published
31. Winfree R, J Reilly, MA Genung (2025) Abundance, not just diversity, needs to be part of biodiversity-ecosystem services research. Accepted, Nature Reviews Biodiversity, January 2025.
30. Zhang A, S Chen, Z Liu, J Chen, H Song, J Wang, H Cui, Z Yang, S Xiao, A Lizhe, MA Genung (2024) After shrub encroachment, changes in plant biomass are driven by persisting plant species, but species gains drive nematode carbon dynamics. Accepted, Ecology Letters, December 2024.
29. Genung MA, R Winfree (2024) Dominant species stabilize pollination services through response diversity, but not cross-scale redundancy. Ecology, 106: e4481. pdf
28. Roswell M, T Harrison*, MA Genung (2023) Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships change in sign and magnitude across the Hill diversity spectrum. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378: 20220186. pdf
27. Scharnagl A, MA Genung, LM Holeski, NJ Kooyers (2023) Tradeoffs between growth, reproduction speed and chemical defense drive patterns of local adaptation in an annual monkeyflower. Evolution, 77:370-383. pdf
26. Greer A, M Schmid, P Duffy, K Robinson, MA Genung, J Luo, T Panaïotis, C Briseño-Avena, M Frischer, S Sponaugle, R Cowen (2023) In situ imaging across ecosystems to resolve the fine-scale oceanographic drivers of a globally significant planktonic grazer. Limnology and Oceanography, 68:192-207. pdf
26. Genung MA, J Reilly, NM Williams, A Buderi, J Gardner, R Winfree (2022) Rare and declining bee species are key to maintaining pollination of wildflowers and crops. Ecology, e3899. pdf
24. Topor ZM, MA Genung, KL Robinson (2022) Mesozooplankton communities show unique response to Hurricane Harvey in nGOM. Scientific Reports, 12:8721. pdf
23. Harrison T*, R Winfree, MA Genung (2022) Price equations for biodiversity-function research. The American Naturalist, 200:181-192. pdf
22. Simpson D, L Weinman, MA Genung, M Roswell, M MacLeod, R Winfree (2022) Many species, including rare species, are important for function of mutualist networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289:20212689. pdf
21. Genung MA, JW Fox, R Winfree (2020) Dominance predicts the contributions of lost species to ecosystem function in nature, but not biodiversity experiments. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29:1531-1541. pdf
20. MacLeod M, J Reilly, D Cariveau, MA Genung, M Roswell, J Gibbs, R Winfree (2019) How much do rare and crop-pollinating bees overlap in identity and flower preferences? Journal of Applied Ecology, 57:413-423. pdf
19. Genung MA, JW Fox, NM Williams, C Kremen, JS Ascher, J Gibbs, R Winfree (2017) The relative importance of pollinator abundance and species richness for the temporal variance of pollination services. Ecology, 98:1807-1816. pdf
18. Mueller LO, LC Breza, MA Genung, CP Giardina, NE Stone, LC Sidak-Loftis, JD Busch, DM Wagner, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer (2017) Ecosystem consequences of plant genetic divergence with colonization of new habitat. Ecosphere, 8:5. pdf
17. Souza L, K Stuble, MA Genung, AT Classen (2017) Plant genotype identity and intraspecific diversity trump soil nutrient availability to shape old-field structure and function. Functional Ecology, 31:965-974. pdf
16. MacLeod M* & MA Genung*, J Ascher, R Winfree (2016) Measuring partner choice in plant–pollinator networks: Using null models to separate rewiring and fidelity from chance. Ecology, 97:2925-2931. * – equal contribution; MAG corresponding author. pdf
15. Genung MA, JK Senior, J O’Reilly-Wapstra, SK Chapman, A Langley, JA Schweitzer, JK Bailey (2014) When ranges collide: Evolutionary history, phylogenetic community interactions, global change factors and range size differentially affect plant productivity. Advances in Ecological Research, 50:297-350.
14. Genung MA, JA Schweitzer, N Omomo, JK Bailey (2014) The effects of phylogenetic diversity and species richness on ecosystem function are dependent upon evolutionary history. PeerJ, 2:e288. link
13. Gorman CE, QD Read, ME Van Nuland, JAM Bryant, JN Welch, JT Altobelli, MJ Douglas, MA Genung, and 7 others (2014) Below-ground communities: Phylogenetic similarity aboveground leads to community similarity belowground through conservatism of functional traits. AoB Plants, 5:plt049. link
12. Burkle LA, L Souza, MA Genung, GM Crutsinger (2013) Plant genotype, nutrients, and G x E interactions structure floral visitor communities. Ecosphere, 4:art119. pdf
11. Bailey JK, MA Genung, I Ware, CE Gorman, M Van Nuland, H Long, JA Schweitzer (2014) Indirect genetic effects: An evolutionary mechanism linking feedbacks, genotypic diversity, and coadaptation in a climate change context. Functional Ecology, 28:87-95. pdf
10. Genung MA, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer (2013) Belowground interactions shift the relative importance of direct and indirect genetic effects. Ecology and Evolution, 3:1692-1701. pdf
9. Bailey JK, RK Bangert, MA Genung, JA Schweitzer, and GM Wimp (2013) Community Ecology. In “Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability: Ecosystem Management and Sustainability”. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barrington, MA, USA.
8. Genung MA, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer (2013) The afterlife of interspecific indirect genetic effects: Genotype interactions alter litter quality with consequences for decomposition and nutrient dynamics. PLOS One, 8:e53718. link
7. Genung MA, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer (2012) Welcome to the neighborhood: Interspecific genotype interactions influence above- and belowground biomass and associated communities. Ecology Letters, 15:65-73. pdf
6. Bailey JK, MA Genung, J O’Reilly-Wapstra, BM Potts, J Rowntree, JA Schweitzer, TG Whitham (2012) New frontiers in community and ecosystem genetics for theory, conservation, and management. New Phytologist, 193:24-26. pdf
5. Lessard J-P, WN Reynolds, WA Bunn, MA Genung, and 11 others (2012) Conservation of effect strength through understory, litter, and soil communities following deer herbivory. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13:59-66 pdf
4. Genung MA, GM Crutsinger, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer, NJ Sanders (2012) Spatial patterns of aphid abundance depend on plant genotype and genotypic diversity. Oecologia, 168:167- 174. pdf
3. Genung MA, JA Schweitzer, F Ubeda, BM Fitzpatrick, CC Pregitzer, E Felker-Quinn, JK Bailey (2011) Genetic variation and community change – selection, evolution, and feedbacks, Functional Ecology, 25:408-419. Invited to “Plant-Herbivore Interactions” Special Feature. pdf
2. Bailey JK, JA Schweitzer, F Ubeda, M Zinkgraf, BM Fitzpatrick, J O’Reilly-Wapstra, BJ Rehill, CJ LeRoy, BM Potts, TG Whitham, MA Genung, DG Fischer, CC Pregitzer, A Keith (2011) From genes to ecosystems: emerging concepts bridging ecological and evolutionary dynamics, invited to “The ecology of plant secondary metabolites: from genes to landscapes” (eds. GR Iason, M Dicke, and SE Hartley), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
1. Genung MA, JP Lessard, CB Brown, WA Bunn, MA Cregger, WN Reynolds, E Felker-Quinn, ML Stevenson, AS Hartley, GM Crutsinger, JA Schweitzer, JK Bailey (2010) Non-additive effects of genotypic diversity affect floral abundance and abundance of floral visitors, PLOS One 5, e8711. link
Near Submission
Roswell M, D Cariveau, T Harrison, MA Genung, J Gibbs, R Winfree. Pollinator habitat restorations benefit bees, favoring neither rare nor common species. Target: Journal of Applied Ecology.
Torgersen K, WGR Crampton, MA Genung, M Tan, KO Winemiller, JA Albert. The First Ecological Trait Space of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes, in The Ecology and Evolution of Amazonian Fishes.
Winfree R, J Reilly, MA Genung. Do biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships follow the 80-20 rule? Target: Bioscience.
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