Louisiana Native Bee Lab

Join the Lab
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is an R1 national research university surrounded by some of the most interesting and threatened environments in the country. The Department of Biology is growing rapidly and provides great opportunities for collaborative research. Lafayette is an affordable city in the heart of the culturally unique Acadiana region, which includes French, Spanish, African and American influences. The campus is 35 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico, two hours from New Orleans and three hours from Houston.
Undergraduate Students
I am very excited to hear from UL undergraduates who would like to do research in the lab, whether it's for credit, as part of a scholarship, or even as a volunteer. If you're interested in learning more about flowers, bees, local environments (especially the Cajun Prairie) or data analysis, please email me (mark.genung at louisiana.edu) and we can start exploring how you could work in the lab.
Graduate Students
I am interested in hearing from potential graduate students. Students in my lab will work on any aspect of plant or insect community ecology, with a field, theoretical, or mixed focus. I am especially interested in thoughtful, motivated individuals with a history of research experience, ideally including one or more peer-reviewed publications or scientific presentations.
The Department of Biology provides excellent fellowships for strong applicants. If interested, send email me (mark.genung at louisiana.edu) your CV, a short cover letter describing your previous research and ideas for projects to carry out in the lab, and contact information for two references.